Prayer Before and After Wudu Wudu and Procedures Complete

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Prayer Before and After Wudu Wudu and Procedures Complete

Prayer Before and After Wudu Wudu and Procedures Complete.

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first side : the procedure for compulsory where unauthorized ablution without it, which is mentioned in the word of God l: 
"O those who believe, if you want to do the prayer, wash your faces and your hands up to the elbow. Wipe your heads and wash your feet to the ankles .... "(Al-Maidah: 6)

Washing the face once, including madhmadhah (gargle) and istinsyaq (inhaling water into the nose), wash the hands of fingertips to the elbow once. When washing the arm, people should observe ablutions with his palms were washed together by hand washing. Since most people do not neglect to wash it, but only wash arm. This is clearly a mistake. 

Then he wiped his head once, including stroking the ears because the ears are part of the head. In closing ablution, he washed his legs including the ankle once. Similarly ablution procedures are mandatory and can not be abandoned. 
The second side: procedures mustahab (sunnah) that we mentioned this to the next call on Allah

Here is the sequence of steps or procedure performed ablution / wudlu:

  1. Read  a prayer before ablution.
Readings Prayer Before wudlu
"Allaahummaghfir lii dzanbii, Wawassi lii fii daarii, wabaarik Lii fii rizqii"
Meaning Prayer Before wudlu
"O Allah, forgive me my sins, ample room of my house, and bless rejekiku."
  1. Wash / wash both hands three times while reading basmalah.
  2. Bismilaahir Rahmanir rahiim
  3. Cleanse the mouth and nostrils, each three times.
  4. Wash my face three times while reciting  a prayer intention of ablution.
Readings Prayer Intention Wudu
"Nawaitul wudhuu-a liraf'll hadatsil ashghari fardhal lilaahi ta'aalaa"
Meaning of Prayer Intention Wudu
"I intend to perform ablution for removing small hadats obligatory because God alone."
  1. Wash / clean the right and left hand, from the fingertips to the base / limit the elbow, each three times.
  2. Wiping the head from the forehead to the hairline top three times.
  3. Sweeping / cleaning the ears begin to part of the ear leaf and toward the top, as many as three times.
  4. Wash / clean the right and left foot, starting from the fingertips to the ankle evenly, each three times.
  5. Read the prayer after ablution.
Readings Prayer After Wudu
"Asyhadu allaa ilaaha illallaah, wahdahu laa syariika lahu, wa asyhadu anna mUhammadan 'abduhu wa Rasuuluhu. Allahumma j'alnii minat tawwabiina, waj'alnii minal mutathahiriina waj'alnii min 'ibaadikash shalihiina. "
Meaning of Prayer After Wudu
"I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and do not associate anything anyone. I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and messenger. O Allah, make me an expert repent, make me a holy people, and make me among those who are righteous. "

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